
read_* methods:


To mimick the behavior of method, the read_* methods return None when sufficient number of bytes are not available for reading a type.

  • read_bool - Reads a C99-style _Bool type, where 0 = False, else True.
  • read_b - Reads a signed 8-bit integer.
  • read_B - Reads an unsigned 8-bit integer.
  • read_c - Reads an 8-bit ASCII character. Analogous to calling chr(read_B()).
  • read_h - Reads a signed 16-bit integer.
  • read_H - Reads an unsigned 16-bit integer.
  • read_i - Reads a signed 32-bit integer.
  • read_I - Reads an unsigned 32-bit integer.
  • read_q - Reads a signed 64-bit integer.
  • read_Q - Reads an unsigned 64-bit integer.
  • read_f - Reads a 4-byte floating-point number.
  • read_d - Reads an 8-byte floating-point number.
  • read_v - Reads a 7-bit encoded integer, the exact size of this type is not fixed. If the stream pointer reaches the end before being completely able to read, it will return None.

write_* methods:


To mimick the behavior of BytesIO.write method, the write_* methods return the value returned by BytesIO.write.

  • write_bool - Converts and writes a bool into a C99-style _Bool type, where False = 0, True = 1.
  • write_b - Converts and writes a int into a signed 8-bit integer (a.k.a. SByte, int8_t, char).
  • write_B - Converts and writes a int into an unsigned 8-bit integer (a.k.a. Byte, uint8_t, unsigned char).
  • write_c - Converts and writes a str into an 8-bit ASCII character (a.k.a. char).
  • write_h - Converts and writes a int into a signed 16-bit integer (a.k.a. int16_t, short).
  • write_H - Converts and writes a int into an unsigned 16-bit integer (a.k.a. uint16_t, unsigned short, WORD).
  • write_i - Converts and writes a int into a signed 32-bit integer (a.k.a. int32_t, int, long).
  • write_I - Converts and writes a int into an unsigned 32-bit integer (a.k.a. uint32_t, unsigned int, unsigned long, DWORD).
  • write_q - Converts and writes a int into a signed 64-bit integer (a.k.a. int64_t, long long).
  • write_Q - Converts and writes a int into an unsigned 64-bit integer (a.k.a. uint32_t, unsigned long long, QWORD).
  • write_f - Converts and writes a float into a 4-byte floating-point number (a.k.a. Single, float).
  • write_d - Converts and writes a float into an 8-byte floating-point number (a.ka. [Dd]ouble).
  • write_v - Converts and writes a int into a 7-bit encoded integer (a.k.a. varint).